Thursday, 10 March 2016

Finding a ballet school as an adult in the North East

I have had trouble finding a ballet school in the north east.
Prior to university I achieved my Grade 8 RAD exam and was working towards the Advanced Vocational levels. When attending Teesside University I was unable to find a local dance school which taught RAD ballet at the level I wished to continue learning at. When I found a class, it was in Durham, late in the evening and too far away to be travelling back and forth using public transport, and it unfortunately clashed with my university placements. So 4 years went by without any ballet training, other than the small bits I would do in my living room, when brushing teeth, or when returning home for set holidays were I would attend my old school once again.
Despite this, over the last four years I have stayed fit through joining different university teams such as the kayak club and rowing team, and began weight training in the gym. Through these activities I have remained fit, strong and supple, perhaps more mobile in fact.
Now since leaving university and moving to Newcastle I have still struggled to find a dance school which I can attend whilst fitting it around my busy work schedule. Few RAD schools in the area go up to Grade 6+ and I was told by one school that they didn’t take anyone over the age of 18. This I thought was stupid, there are plenty of adults who wish to continue dancing or begin later in life! Dance City, based in central Newcastle was another option however I couldn’t make those classes either due to clashes with work. I was about to give up hope!  But I have finally found a school in Whitely Bay which is on a day that I can make so I’m very excited to begin dancing again. I have new ladder-free tights and two beautiful new leotards, so I am all set to get my allegro on! I shall let you know how it goes!
One of my new Bloch leotards


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