Thursday, 5 May 2016

6 things I love about working as a Sports Therapist

1.       Educating and aiming to protect players from further damage
I love treating people, but it gives greater satisfaction when I can educate my clients to enable them to take steps to improve their health on their own.

2.       The people you meet
I have met some wonderful people throughout my time working and look forward to meeting many more interesting people. I absolutely love listening to old stories told by client’s and learning different things from each of them.

3.       Helping others
I like to help people. I always have and I always will. Seeing a client improve or having one tell you they are now pain free makes my day!

4.       The places you travel
Despite waking up at 4.30am for some away games and the eventful University American Football journeys I have been on, I love visiting new places. It's just another mini adventure for me! I even love those freezing cold snowy days on the side-lines when I can't feel my toes or fingers. Being outside and able to watch sport is an ideal weekend activity for me, so combined with doing the job I love, it is a winning combination!

5.       Family and friends
At all the clubs/teams I have been involved in, I have been welcomed and made to feel as part of one big family. With my first team (Teesside University Cougars), it felt like I had 30 big brothers who would look after me. I have made some lifelong friends (young and old) while being part of these teams and am forever grateful for their support promoting me and my work. 

6.       Continuous learning
In this job, you never truly leave education. To hold onto my professional insurance and membership, it is a requirement to continue my professional development. However, as you might be aware within this job, you will constantly be returning to books and journal publications to seek new ways of treatments or to investigate further into an injury. I absolutely love this, as since leaving university I miss the deadlines, which I guess it is part of the reason I write this blog. Yey to learning!

-          E


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