Sunday, 31 January 2016

The Banana Thief

So I am all for sharing and giving to others, however if someone takes one of my precious bananas from the fruit bowl without my permission then I am going to go mad!
Today did not start well…. My boyfriend’s brother was visiting and (I was warned by my partner) he likes to think he owns everything. In the past he has claimed the use of our protein, eggs, clothing (my boyfriends I am happy to say), my peanut butter (this was almost as bad) and the last of my bananas. So this morning when I woke up to the fire alarm going off, I knew this brother was  in the kitchen making toast (via the oven may I add  - we have a toaster!!) and was soon to use one of my last and precious bananas. If I do not have at least two bananas a day the world is going to end! Yes I do spend a good portion of my wages on bunches of bananas but it could be a lot worse! So what do you do when your partner’s brother nick things? It’s pretty hard to say anything, especially when you hate confrontation like I do. In the past when he has done this and he has asked if there is anything I need from the shops, I have tried to make it obvious and ask for a bunch of bananas. Unfortunately, I never got these… This morning I was down from 4-2 bananas!!!! The shops close at 4, am I going to make it there with everything else I have to do!? Luckily today I was still able to enjoy my addiction with a bowl of beautifully made porridge by moi. However, I am terribly frustrated and so glad that I shall soon be moving away from incidents of this nature. I am plotting revenge and shall be locking away any future bananas I buy… Wish me luck!

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