Thursday, 9 June 2016

The secret tool to rehabilitation


 The often forgotten essential tool of rehabilitation.

Having recently read an online article by ballet dancer Rebecca King, it made me reflect on my own experience of providing support within the rehabilitation of clients.
Too many times within grassroots have I experienced players being put down by their coaches and fellow team mates through missing games due to serious injuries. This mocking is often because they’re not ‘putting their body on the line’ for the team anymore, which is primarily due to the fact that they’ve done this one too many times and their body has finally given up. What angers me the most is that no credit and understanding is given to these players who are working their boots off to get back onto the field and it is then left to me as their rehabilitator to not allow this player to become despondent. Not only is this destructive to the team environment but it is harmful to athletes mental and physical wellbeing. If it was me, I know I certainly wouldn’t want to return to a team with an attitude like this.
As a therapist, our role is not to simply drill out numerous exercises for our athlete, but to also ensure a good mental state and preparedness listening and advising our clients when they have concerns. Thus I try to ensure all my sessions are run with light-heartedness, good-humour and in a safe environment, where they can feel relaxed and open to talk. From doing this, my athletes work hard to please both themselves and me.            
Support from the team and staff are not the only places this care should be coming from, support from both friends and family are key. This allows for good psychological health within and away from sport and can aid to a better recovery.
Let me know your thoughts on this area! Have you experienced a lack of support from your team and how did you overcome it?

- E

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